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Breeding Regulations of Verein Deutsch-Drahthaar e.V

20th Revision (English)

Effective: 1 July, 2019


Article 1



The Deutsch-Drahthaar is bred with the goal of providing hunters with a versatile pointing dog for sportsmanlike use in all areas of hunting, before and after the shot. “From Performance to Type” was and still is the motto of DD breeding.

The initiative in Deutsch-Drahthaar breeding comes from the Breeder. The Breeder is guaranteed freedom of breeding within the framework of this Breeding Regulation.


 Article 2

The Head Breed Warden of the VDD


  1. The duty of the Head Breed Warden is the cultivation, care, and advancement of DD breeding in the Verein Deutsch Drahthaar, the Deutsch Drahthaar World Association, and the associated Deutsch Drahthaar Clubs and Groups abroad.

  2. The Head Breed Warden is in charge of the Breeding Registry of the Verein Deutsch Drahthaar.


Article 3

The Group Breedwardens


  1. In the Groups of the VDD, the Group Breed Warden sees to the promotion, care, and advancement of the DD breed. The Group Breed Warden advises the breeders of their responsibilities in breeding related matters and sees that the Breeding Regulations are observed.

  2. As appropriate for his/her duties, the Group Breed Warden must have knowledge and experience in the breeding of Deutsch-Drahthaar, the proper rearing and keeping of this breed of dog, and the associated legal conditions and requirements. He/she should be a Breed Judge in accordance with the Breed Judge Regulations (Zuchtrichterordnung) of VDD. The group breed wardens are to be trained regularly (at least every four years).

  3. The Group Breed Warden is recommended by the group Executive Committee through the main Breed Warden (Hauptzuchwart) to the Executive Committee of the VDD and confirmed by the latter. To support the Breed Warden, qualified members may be named as assistants by the Breed Warden and approved by the Executive Committee to forward litter registrations, litter inspections, kennel inspections, and perform tattooing/chipping.

On recommendation of the Group Breedwarden, and confirmation by the Group Executive Committee, qualified members of the group may be designated as Assistants to support the Group Breedwarden and act as his representative in accepting and forwarding litter reports for litter inspections, litter monitoring, and tattooing.


Article 4

The Breeder


  1. The Breeder, in the context of this Regulation, is the owner of a mother bitch at the time of whelping if:
    a) he/she is a member of the VDD. An individual who has applied for membership and paid his/her first annual dues is granted equal status as a member if no identifiable obstacles stand in the way of membership.
    b) he/she possesses a valid hunting license.
    c) He/she maintains his/her own kennel, protected by the stud book office (Article 6), in which a DD litter is whelped, which is kept in this kennel and in the direct sphere of influence of the breeder at least until the litter is accepted (Article 28). Breeders can only be a natural person; organizations cannot be recognized as breeders.

  2. The breeder is obligated to meet all requirements of these Breeding Regulations. He must:
    a) ensure the breed-appropriate accommodation and rearing of litters by establishing all conditions in accordance with legal requirements
    b) allow the responsible Breed Warden or his agent (as well as members of the VDD Executive Board), upon request, to access the entire kennel facility, for inspection of litters, inspection of the kennel facilities, and inspection of the kennel log. c) have tail docking performed by a veterinarian in accordance with legal requirements
    d) have all puppies of the litter tattooed and/or chipped in the presence of the dam prior to leaving. Certain legal considerations have to be observed. e) keep a kennel log on the breeding and whelping events in his/her kennel f) Instruct the puppy buyers in breed-appropriate care, feeding, rearing, and keeping of the puppies, and inform them of relevant animal protection regulations.


Article 5

The Breeding Lease Contract


  1. The owner of a bitch that is certified for breeding (Article 9) can assign his/her breeding rights only on a case-to-case basis and only with a duly executed breeding lease contract to another person. In accordance with these Breeding Regulations, the assignee becomes the breeder for the time the Breeding Lease Contract (Zuchtvertrag) is in effect.

  2. The Breeding Lease Contract is valid only when:
    a) the bitch is from the assignee’s own kennel
    b) the necessity for such a lease can be adequately justified as regards the need for that breeding,
    c) the requirements and prerequisites of Article 4 have been met.
    d) the Breeding Lease Contract is authorized by the Head Breed Warden of the VDD. Application for approval of a Breeding Lease Contract should be made prior to the stud service and must be done in writing.

  3. The Head Breed Warden of the VDD can authorize the Breeding Lease Contract only if verified and approved by the respective Group Breed Warden and if no part of the VDD Constitution and the VDD Breeding Regulations prohibit such a lease to become effective.

  4. The Head Breedwarden of the VDD can authorize the Breeding lease contract only if verified and approved by the respective Group Breedwarden and if no part of the VDD Constitution and the VDD Breeding Regulations prohibit such a lease to become effective.


Article 6

Kennel Registration – Location of the Kennel


  1. Kennel registration is only issued to members of the VDD, and in accordance with Article 4 paragraph 1b, to only one natural person. For the purposes of this provision, members also include individuals who have applied for membership in the VDD. Kennel registration can also be issued to individuals who belong to member clubs of the world association, or associated clubs, or foreign groups.

  2. Before starting breeding activity in the VDD e.V., the kennel / breeding facility must be inspected and approved by the responsible Group Breed Warden. In particular, compliance with the provisions of the Animal Welfare Dog Ordinance (TierSchHuV) must be observed. The VDD’s internal kennel acceptance form including photos must be used. The breeder bears the costs for the kennel inspection.

  3. Every DD breeder must maintain a kennel. The kennel name (Article 7) must be registered in the VDD Breeding Register. The physical location selected for the kennel must be such that the registered kennel owner (breeder) can be directly and legally responsible for his/her kennel and can have immediate influence on all happenings in his/her kennel. Any form of concealment and pretentious maintenance of a kennel not in compliance with these Breeding Regulations and especially the disguised leaving of the kennel name to another person is forbidden.

  4. The DD Kennel registration is permanent.

  5. The kennel owner can transfer, or also bequeath, kennel registration to another person. The new kennel owner must fulfill the requirements of Paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article. The transfer takes effect when the Head Breed Warden has approved it by his signature. Article 32 is to be applied.


Article 7

The Kennel Name


The kennel name is the dog's surname. The kennel name is to be applied for at least 3 months before the registration of the first litter (Article 22 at the stud book office through the responsible group Breed Warden. The application should contain three suggested names in the desired order.

The kennel name must differ by at least two letters from existing kennel names, and also must not otherwise be overly similar to the names of existing registered kennels.

The kennel name granted is registered by the Breed Book Office for the DD breed via the VDH at the FCI, and is granted to the breeder for strictly personal use only.

All litters in the kennel of a breeder shall be entered in the VDD Breed Book under the granted kennel name unless these Breeding Regulations preclude doing so.

Kennels that are already internationally protected by the FCI will be accepted, provided that the requirements of Articles 4 and 6 are met.


Article 8

First Name of Pups Whelped in the Kennel of Their Breeder


All pups from the same litter whelped in the kennel of the breeder will be named with first names starting with the same letter. The first name must be such that the sex of the pup can be readily identified by this name. The names within a litter must differ by at least two letters.


Names of puppies in the first litter must start with the letter “A”. The initial letter of the given names for each subsequent litter must continue in alphabetical order.


If a breeder is on the second or third alphabet in breeding, the given names of the pups must be followed by II or III.


Article 9

Permission and Suitability of Dogs for Breeding


  1. The established suitability of the dog for breeding forms the basis for Breed Certification before the breeding act.

    In principle, suitability for breeding is established on the occasion of a VDD Breed Show by the Formwert-Judging Group as per § 5 of the VDD Breed Show Regulations. It is confirmed on the Ahnentafel by the Breed Warden of the Group where the Breed Show takes place. If the Breed Warden is not a Breed Judge according to the VDD Breed Judge Regulations, the Breeding Certification (Zuchttauglichkeit) is confirmed by a responsible Breed Judge.

    If a dog should enter a second Breed Show, a waiting period of at least three months is required.

    Confirmation of Breed Certification – without evaluation at a Breed Show – must be authorized by the Head Breed Warden of VDD.

  2. A dog is suitable for breeding when it;
    a) has none of the faults listed in Article 14 that exclude from breeding
    b) has passed the toughness evaluation. (HN)
    c) HD-frei & determined in accordance with Article 25, par. 1a.
    d) As of (01.01.2012) OCD-frei in accordance with Article 25, par. 1b.
    e) has passed one of the following breed tests or association tests: VJP, HZP or Hegewald type breed test, VGP, VSwP or a comparable ability test or performance test.

    In all cases, a minimum achievement of the “sufficient” predicate in the ability categories of Tracking and Independent Search in Water with dense cover must be demonstrated, and proof of no gun sensitivity and no game shyness in field and water are required. This proof may also be determined from parts of Association Tests that were not passed.

  3. The results from the tests for Gun sensitivity and Game Shyness, as well as the finding of other temperament deficiencies from all Association Tests, as well as all VDD events, at which at least three Association Judges were functioning, must be considered even if the tests were failed or not successfully completed.

  4. The results of breeding tests that have been carried out abroad, will be taken into account, as long as these tests are conducted in accordance with the provisions of the VDD and the regulations of the JGHV, and have been organized by groups of VDD or associated groups of VDD.


Article 10

Ahnentafel Identification of Dogs Qualified for Breeding


  1. The front page of the Ahnentafel of Deutsch-Drahthaar qualified for breeding will be stamped Zuchttauglich (Certified for Breeding) only after evaluation (Article 9).

  2. The affixed stamp must contain the date and signature of the respective Breedwarden, or an appointed responsible Breed Judge in accordance with Article 9 par. 1.

  3. If the requirements for Breed Certification change, it will not affect the dogs that have already been Certified for Breeding, and had their Ahnentafel stamped as Certified for Breeding (Zuchttauglich) unless (Article 16) applies.


Article 11

Age of Deutsch-Drahthaar for Breeding


  1. Brood bitches must not be bred before they have reached a minimum breeding age of 15 months, and they must not be bred after their eighth year. (8th Birthday)

  2. Stud dogs should not be used for breeding after their ninth year. (9th Birthday)

  3. In both cases, the effective date is the date of mating.

  4. Exceptions for exceeding the breeding age on the grounds of special breeding interest for the Club may, upon suggestion of the Group Breedwarden, be approved by the Head Breedwarden.


Article 12

Number of Stud Services


  1. The stud dog is authorized six (6) successful stud services within a breeding year. Stud services are assigned to the breeding year in which the litter is whelped.

  2. The Breeding year is the Calendar Year.

  3. Upon the first violation of section 1 above, a penalty of the going rate for a stud fee is to be paid to the Breed Book Office and the seventh stud service to be counted for the following breeding year. The Head Breed Warden of the VDD has the authorization for this situation.



Article 13

Utilization of Foreign DD Dogs for Breeding

Utilization of Dogs from Other Breeds


  1. DD dogs that are registered in a foreign Breed Book can be permitted to breed if all requirements of the Verein Deutsch-Drahthaar Breeding Rules are met.

  2. In the case of Deutsch-Drahthaar dogs bred abroad who have no VDD pedigree [Ahnentafel], a “Leistungsbuch Deutsch-Drahthaar” [DD work record book] can be issued by the VDD Breed Book Office. The hunting ability and performance tests are recorded therein. A prerequisite for this is unimpeachable proof of identity by tattoo or microchip, plus demonstrated documentation of descent over at least 4 generations and a kennel name that is recognized by and registered with the VDD.

  3. Dogs and their descendants that are denied Breed Certification in Germany due to breeding faults, and then used for breeding in other countries, cannot be registered into the VDD Breed Leistungsbuch. [DD work record book]

  4. Details on the use of foreign DD dogs are governed by special implementation regulations established by the VDD Executive Board.

  5. Crossbreeding of other breeds and types is not permitted. In a kennel protected by the VDD, dogs may only be bred that are or can be entered in the VDD’s stud book. The parents of these dogs must also have met the breeding requirements of the VDD. The aforementioned regulation also applies to stud dogs.

  6. DD Groups outside of Germany with Ahnentafeln issued by the German Breed Registry, are considered to be the origin of the breed.

  7. In DD groups outside of Germany, dogs may not be registered with another Breed Registry in the same country of the respective DD group.

  8. Deutsch-Drahthaar that are registered in the VDD Breed Book will be banned from breeding for life if they have been used for breeding outside the Breeding Regulations.

Article 14

Dogs Disqualified for Breeding and Matings Not Permissible


  1. Dogs are excluded from Breeding for the following:
    a) With breeding relevant diseases, i.e., epilepsy-like seizures, skeletal diseases i.e., HD, OCD, ED and Bleeding Disorders. Which hereditary diseases and to which degree a hereditary disease will be a breeding disqualification is determined by the VDD Membership Meeting.
    b) with insufficient conformation and coat. (Disqualified)
    c) with teeth deficiencies Vorbiss (Overbite), Rückbiss (Under bite), Kreuzbiss (Cross bite), Fangzahnenstand (narrow positioned fang teeth), missing teeth other than P1)
    d) with Entropium, Ektropium, or open eyelids;
    e) with malformed or deficient sexual organs;
    f) with natural bobbed or crooked tail;
    g) with mental deficiencies (gun shy, game shy, strong gun sensitive, gun sensitive, light gun-sensitive, too aggressive, very nervous, fear biter). Dogs with these disqualifying characteristics remain excluded from the breeding program even if they present themselves at a later date with normal mental reactions and normal signs to gunfire. The results from all associated tests for the dog are to be submitted and checked for temperament problems in Article 9 par. 3 and taken into account during a check for breeding qualification.
    h) with color anomalies: black (even with a chest patch), white or yellow dogs, and yellow roan, dead leaf color or Brand. Dogs with large pure white spots (tennis ball size or larger) with the exception of the dogs in Scandinavia (predominantly white with Brown head) are not for breed approval. Dogs with light nose leather (pigment defect)
    i) with different (variegated) eye color or glass eye (walleye).
    j) Also excluded from breeding are dogs in which defects that exclude from breeding have been surgically treated or otherwise corrected.

  2. Mating of Schwarzschimmel Drahthaar to another Schwarzschimmel or to a solid brown DD (including those with white markings) is prohibited. The pedigrees of pups whelped from such mating will be stamped “Zuchtverbot” (Not for Breeding) Article 33, Section 1c applies. The first violation will result in a monetary penalty. Repeated violations could result in applying § 19 of the VDD Bylaws.

  3. Grade 1. – Incest Breedings: (Parents X Children / Full Brother X Sister / Half Brother X Sister matings) require prior permission of the VDD Head Breed Warden.


Article 15

Marking the Ahnentafel of Dogs with Breeding Disqualifying Faults That Have Been Corrected

The owner of a dog is responsible for ensuring that all corrections of physical defects are noted on the dog’s Ahnentafel.


Article 16

Rescinding a Previously Determined Suitability for Breeding


  1. If defects that exclude the dog from breeding are discovered after suitability for breeding has been determined, the stamped imprint “Zuchttauglich” [Certified for Breeding] on the Pedigree (Ahnentafel) must be crossed out with an appropriate annotation. The prohibition from breeding applies as of the date of determination.

  2. The person with authority of disposition over the dog must make the pedigree available to the relevant Breed Warden without delay for marking.

  3. If the marking of the pedigree cannot be accomplished within one month of the request, it is the responsibility of the Head Breed Warden to publish the name and ZB number of the dog, and the defect that prohibits the use of the dog for breeding, in the official publication of the VDD. (DD-Blätter)


Article 17

Pups from Parents Not Meeting the Breeding Requirements

And Pups From Matings Not Permissible


  1. The Pedigrees (Ahnentafeln) of puppies whose parents did not meet the breeding requirements (Article 9) or of parents with defects which disqualify from breeding (Article 14 par. 1) or of parents who were not permitted to mate (Article 14, par. 2), shall be stamped “ZUCHTVERBOT” (not permitted for breeding).

  2. The effect of “Zuchtverbot”, or prohibition from breeding, is that the dog in question cannot be used for breeding. If the dog is used for breeding despite this, triple fees shall be charged. In addition, in the case of one-time negligence, a fine may be levied as referred to in Article 34. In the case of a repeat offense, § 19 of the Bylaws of VDD e.V. will apply.

  3. In the event that breeding suitability as required by Article 9 is proven for both parents after the prohibition to breed has been assigned, only the Head Breed Warden shall have the authority to remove the prohibition to breed, if so, requested by the breeder, with such removal to be for the entire litter. No fees shall be due for the issuance of new pedigrees (Ahnentafeln). In the event that new Pedigrees are issued, the old Pedigrees shall be returned and destroyed, and no reimbursement shall be due.


Article 18

Breeding Prohibition (special ruling)


  1. After consulting with the Breed Warden of the relevant group, the Head Breed Warden can impose a “Breeding Ban” (Zuchtsperre) on a dog that has already been bred if pups from several litters exhibit degenerative characteristics or temperament defects and experience makes it possible to trace these traits back to the ancestor. The owner of the dog must be notified of the decision on the breeding ban by registered mail.

  2. In the event that the registered letter is undeliverable, Article 16, Paragraph 3 applies accordingly.

  3. The dog upon which the Breeding Ban has been imposed can no longer be used for breeding.

  4. The Breeding Bitch can no longer be used for breeding after delivery by Cesarean Section has been performed two times.

  5. Willful or negligent violations of Paragraph 3 shall be treated as violations of these Breeding Regulations that damage the breed (Article 34).


Article 19

Extra Ordinary Presentation of Dogs


  1. As a preventative precaution, the Head Breed Warden of VDD can request the owner of a DD to present the dog at a specified time for special evaluation. In determining the location and evaluator for the special evaluation, the Head Breed Warden of the VDD must take into consideration as much as possible the personal circumstances of the dog’s owner.

    A DNA test may be demanded to ensure identity and parental descent.

  2. If the owner of the dog does not comply with the request for presentation [of the dog] or the demand for a DNA test, and fails to provide a timely and sufficient reason, the Head Breed Warden can impose a “Breeding Prohibition” (Article 18), effective immediately, on the dog in question. Costs which the owner of the dog caused in a culpable manner must be reimbursed by the dog’s owner.



Article 20

The Stud Certificate


  1. The owner of the stud dog is required to complete the form “Stud Service Certificate” after the stud service is rendered. He can retain the stud Service certificate in his possession until the owner of the bitch serviced by his dog notifies him of the whelping of the litter.
  2. The Stud Service Certificate (Deckbescheinigung) is a legal document.

  3. Owners of stud dogs who are not members of the VDD must comply with the VDD Breeding Regulations.

  4. The owner of the stud dog can demand appropriate compensation for mating service. The breeder must render this compensation to the owner of the stud dog no later than the whelping report. If the compensation does not take the form of money, the time period for rendering compensation shall comply with the applicable agreement.

  5. The owner of the stud dog must forward the Stud Service Certificate to the breeder within one week of receipt of the stud fee. If the compensation does not take the form of money, the Stud Service Certificate must be forwarded to the breeder within one week of the whelping report.

  6. Agreements outside of these provisions are irrelevant for all procedural areas of these Breeding Regulations.


Article 21

Procedures for the Protection of the Brood Bitch


  1. For Bitches one litter is allowed in a Breeding Year. (January 1 – December 31)

  2. If the conditions of section 1 above are violated, a protection period (Schonfrist) of 15 months automatically takes effect.

In addition, in the case of first-time negligent violations of the conditions of sections 1 or 2, a fine in the amount of twice the going price of a puppy must be paid to the Studbook Office. In all subsequent violations, § 20 of the Bylaws of VDD e.V. will apply. Responsibility for the actions to be taken reside with the Head Breed Warden.


Article 22

Litter Registration


1. Every DD litter whelped must be reported for registration with the Breed Book Office of the VDD by the breeder through the respective Group Breed Warden by completion of the litter registration form. (Wurfmeldung) Pedigrees (Ahnentafeln) for the pups are automatically issued when a litter is registered.

2. The pups must be listed on the litter registration form in the following order: dogs (males) listed first, then bitches (females).

3.   To be submitted by the breeder with the litter registration form are the following additional documents: Stud Service Certificate (Deckbescheinigung) (Article 20) and if applicable Breeding Lease Contract (Zuchtvertrag) (Article 5) and the application for Kennel Registration (Article 6) if needed. Always to be submitted with the litter registration forms is the original Pedigree (Ahnentafel) of the bitch. The original Pedigree (Ahnentafel) or a photocopy of the stud’s pedigree is to be submitted only once, when he is used for stud service for the first time.


Article 23

Time Limitation for Litter Registration

The complete set of forms for the registration of the litter must be received by the respective Group Breed Warden within three (3) weeks after the date of whelping. If this time is exceeded, Article 33, Paragraph 1 is applicable.

Article 24

The Ahnentafel of the Pups


  1. The Ahnentafel is a legal document. The dog and the Ahnentafel form one unit.

  2. Ahnentafel are issued by the Breed Book Office when requested by the breeder (Article 22) only after complete whelping documents have been submitted and the appropriate fees have been paid.

  3. For dogs bred abroad in accordance with VDD breeding guidelines, a supplement to the foreign pedigree can be issued and attached to the foreign pedigree. Details are governed by a special implementation ordinance (see also Article 13).


Article 25

Affixation of Stamp “HD-frei”, “OCD-frei”, and “ED-frei”

  1. The pedigree of the DD dogs, which have been assessed as
    - HD-free
    - OC(D)-free
    - ED-free
    by an evaluation body recognized by the VDD, are stamped on the front of the pedigree.

    a) HD-free" are DD dogs that have been assessed as "free" (A) of symptoms of hip dysplasia. The assessment “almost normal” (B) is considered HD-free.

    b) "OC (D) -free" are DD dogs whose shoulder was assessed as "free of osteochondrosis or O. dissecans".

    c) "ED-free" are DD dogs that have been assessed as "free from elbow dysplasia". Are stamped on the front of the Ahnentafel with the corresponding stamp provided.

  2. The Group Breed Warden is appointed to affix the stamp “HD-frei”, “OCD-frei”, and ‘EDfrei” to the Ahnentafel after examining and verifying the evaluation rating on the Evaluation Certificates. The status (A) or (B) must also be entered in the stamp on the pedigree.


Article 26

Conditions Preventing the Issue of Ahnentafel


  1. The Head Breed Warden of the VDD has the authority to make the issue of Ahnentafeln dependent on the submittal of an x-ray or veterinarian evaluation, if there is any doubt about the qualification for breeding (Article 9) of a DD.

  2. The Head Breed Warden of the VDD has the authority to approve or disapprove the issue of Ahnentafeln for one litter if the required set of litter registration forms cannot be submitted after consulting the Breed Warden of the respective VDD Group of which the applicant is a member. He can only grant the application if:

    a) the Breeder was guiltlessly hindered in the registration of the litter.
    b) the heritage of the pup’s parents can be proven or verified for at least as many generations as appear on the pedigree,
    c) the whereabouts of all litter mates can be proven, and
    d) It is to be expected that the progeny in question is of benefit to the DD breed.


Article 27

Change of Ownership


  1. Every change of ownership must be entered on the backside of the Ahnentafel, containing the name and address of the new owner.
  2. The Ahnentafel must be transferred with the dog to the new owner.


Article 28

Litter Inspection, Tattooing and Chipping


  1. In approximately the seventh to eighth week of life, the entire litter, which is to say all puppies and the brood bitch, are inspected by the Breed Warden of the relevant DD-Group, or by his representative. No puppy may be transferred prior to this time.
  2. At this time the puppies, if allowed, are tattooed and the assigned Breed Book number is imprinted in the right ear and the bottom right corner of the Ahnentafel with the tattooing device.
  3. If it has not already been done, the puppies are chipped using the chips allotted by the Breed Book Office.
  4. All the puppies in the VDD Breed Book must be tattooed and/or chipped.
  5. Abnormalities in the puppies, brood bitch, and/or the keeping and accommodation of the litter must be recorded in writing on an internal club litter inspection form (Wurfabnahmebogen), to the Head Breed Warden or the Breed Book Office.

    Particular attention must be paid to the question of whether breed-appropriate keeping and accommodation are taking place and whether the provisions of the animal protection laws are being observed.
  6. The breeder is responsible for the costs of tattooing, chipping, and litter inspection.
  7. Claims for damages that could arise from findings at litter inspection or as consequences of tattooing or chipping are precluded.
  8. Ahnentafel of puppies with chip or tattoo may only be issued after blood sample of the puppies have been sent off to the VDD e.V. blood bank, per request of the Zuchtbuchamt.


Article 29

Breed Shows


Individual details regarding the organization and conduct of breed shows are governed by the Breed Show Regulations of the VDD.


Article 30

Breeding Register


Dogs that seem especially suitable for breeding are entered in the Breeding Register (Zuchtregister). To be eligible, dogs must meet all of the requirements for breeding, (Article 9) have a beard, be at least 15 months of age, HD-frei and OCD-frei, receive a minimum rating of “good” in both conformation and coat at a breed show, and have passed at least a HZP or VGP. The dog must also have received a minimum performance rating of at least “good” in the categories of tracking and independent search in water with dense cover.


Dogs that have demonstrated manner of hunting to be “stumm” (silent) or “Waidlaut”, (loud without presence of game) as well as dogs with temperament faults such as frightened or restless, cannot be included in the Breeding Register even when these faults do not disqualify the dog from breeding.


A dog is considered silent (stumm) if it was certified “st” at an association test and has not demonstrated itself to hunt loud on scent or sight, either before or after that time.


Article 31

Performance Breeding


The Ahnentafeln of puppies will be marked on the front with the notation “aus auf Form und Leistung geprüften Eltern” when both parents:

a) have successfully completed a VJP and a HZP.

b) have successfully completed a VGP.

c) are registered in the Breeding Register (Article 30) of the VDD.

d) are evaluated and marked loud.


Article 32

Regular Fees


The Breed Book Office shall levy fees for kennel registration, transfer of kennel registration, pedigrees, pedigree supplements or work record books (Leistungsbuch), and for changes in Ahnentafeln, Ahnentafel supplements or work record books; these fees, and reimbursement for expenses or a flat rate for expenses, must be received by the Breed Book Office before final resolution of the request. The requestor is liable for the costs.


Article 33

Double and Triple Fees


  1. Fees shall be doubled:
    When the Breed Warden for the respective VDD group has not received the complete litter registration forms within three weeks from the date of whelping.
  2. Fees shall be tripled:
    a) for the Ahnentafeln of pups whose parent or parents have not met the breeding requirements under (Article 9)
    b) if in an isolated case of negligence, a dog not qualified for breeding (Article 17, section 2) was used for breeding.
    c) for all matings not permissible. (Article 14, section 2)

Increased fees may be imposed only once per occurrence, even though multiple conditions resulting in double or triple fees may apply. The fees must be received by the Breed Book Office before the application can be completed. The applicant is responsible for the fees.


Article 34

Violations Against the Breeding Regulations


  1. Noncompliance with the provisions of articles 12, 14, 18, or 21 is described there with a fine being levied by the Head Breed Warden. The amount of the fines is equal to the high going rate of the Stud Dog mating fee, and double going rate of puppy prices.

  2. Violations of these breeding regulations are reported by the chief breeding warden to the Executive Committee of the VDD e.V. and punished according to § 20 (ff) of the statutes of the VDD e.V. In particular, violations of Article 4 can be punished with a fine of up to € 2,500.

  3. The costs incurred during the examination procedure must be reimbursed by the member.


Article 35



Complaints against the conduct of responsible persons will be decided upon by the Executive Committee of the VDD in the first instance, and if applicable by the collective Executive Committee of Directors of the VDD in the final appeal. A complaint against actions taken in accordance with these Breeding Regulations has no postponing or delaying effect.


Article 36


  1. The research (test) kennel of the VDD, “vom Drahthaar”, is exempted from these regulations. The directions of the Verein Deutsch-Drahthaar e.V. regarding the “Maintenance of a Research (Test) Kennel” are applicable.
  2. For the DD in foreign countries, the Executive Committee upon proposal from the Head Breed Warden can approve exceptions to these Breeding Regulations.



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