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Pedigree / Ahnentafel

JGHV uses one or more of the following symbols prior to a dog’s name to record certain Performance Awards:


/     =  Hardness Certification {Härtenachweis}

\     = Loud Hunter Designation {Lautjagerstrich}

—     =  Dead Game Bayer {Totverbeller}

|     =  Dead Game Guide {Totverweiser}

Solo IV vom Altmoor_doc 1.jpg

Specific Test Scores, Awards and Certifications:


HD-frei = Certified free of Hip Displasia a hip joint ailment. All dogs must be certified HD-frei before being approved for breeding (Newer pedigrees don’t show HD-frei because the requirement has been in effect long enough that all certifed dogs are HD-frei)


OCD-frei = Certified free of Osteochondrosis a shoulder ailment. All dogs must be certified OCD-frei before being approved for breeding.


ED-frei = Certified free of Elbow Dysplasia Not a required test but dogs known to have ED are disqualified from breeding. Owners can voluntarily have their dogs certified as ED-frei.

VJP(##)  =  Spring “puppy” Natural ability test score (Dogs born in the first 9 months of the previous year, or the last 3 months of the year before that)


HZP(##)  =  Fall breed test score (Dogs born in the first 9 months of the previous year, or the last 3 months of the year before that)


VGP(##)  =  Utility Hunting Dog Test (Dogs cannot test in the year they are born)


A.H.  =  Armbruster Halt Award {Armbruster-Haltabzeichen}


Vbr  =  Passed{bestanden} the Retrieve of Cripple on a Natural Track {Verlorenbringerprüfung}


Btr =  Passed the Retrieving Reliability Test {Bringtreueprüfung}


Sw  =  Passed an Association 20 or 40 hour Blood Tracking Test {Verbandsschweißprüfung}.

The “I”, “II”, “III” after a test score indicates a Prize 1, 2 or 3

Additional Resources

Pronouncing "Drahthaar" and other VDD related German terms
German Letters (ä, ö, etc.) and Keyboard Shortcuts
Exhaustive study of the History of the Deutsch Drahthaar
History on the German Wirehaired Pointer (GWP)
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