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Performance Awards

​In addition to the JGHV tests, dogs may be granted performance awards for specific behaviors. Some of these behaviors may be witnessed during the Association tests, while others must be witnessed during actual hunting situations. You should become familiar with the regulations for these performance awards as outlined in the Regulations for Association Breed Tests (VZPO). There are deadlines for submitting documentation of these achievements to the JGHV Registry, so it is important to notify the Director of Testing immediately when the behaviors have been witnessed outside the Association tests. He can advise you on the fees for certification and provide the appropriate reporting forms.


The Armbruster Halt Award is granted when a dog demonstrates the ability to be obedient on the track of a hare during the VJP, HZP or VGP. The dog is whistled to the DOWN position when it sights a hare. After the hare is out of sight, the dog is released to track it and must demonstrate at least a GOOD track. The dog must demonstrate obedience on every hare it has seen during the test, and must be 20 m from its handler at least once.



The Toughness Certificate is awarded when a dog demonstrates that it is fearless and able when confronted with furred
predators or feral game during a hunting situation. An independent witness must observe this occurrence and provide
documentation of the event to the Group HN Coordinator. The HN Coordinator will complete the HN application form and
forward it to the Registry. This must be done within four weeks of the actual event. HN Certification is a requirement for certification for breeding.



A dog that gives tongue while tracking hare or fox by sight or scent will be awarded the Certificate for Loud Hunting. This behavior may be observed during relevant portions of the Association tests or will be validated if witnessed by two Association Judges during a hunting situation. Certification as a loud hunter is one of the prerequisites to entering a 20-hour or 40-hour blood tracking test.



The Vbr can only be achieved during a hunting situation. The dog must follow the track of a wounded hare or fox — one that it did not see — for an observable distance of at least 300 m and must retrieve the hare or fox to his handler. This performance must be witnessed by at least one Association Judge and one independent hunter. Note will be made of whether the manner of hunting was loud or silent.



During the Btr the dog demonstrates that it is a reliable retriever by finding, picking up and delivering to its handler any cold, dead game that was found accidentally, without any influence by the handler. This test is conducted in a forested area during the months of August through April. At least two hours before the test a cold, dead fox will be carried on a circuitous route to a designated place in the forest. Once the dog is released with a SEARCH command, the handler must remain completely silent. The dog passes the test if it finds and retrieves the fox to its handler within 20 minutes of being released.


Thank you to Group Canada for contributing the content for this page.

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